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Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread)

The 2E AD&D Homebrew Sandbox world of Genwald is large, ancient, and magical. There are many undiscovered/untamed places. The Sun Kingdom (European style, Late Medieval Human NG Monarchy) is the basic Campaign area, but PCs can end up anywhere.

The scars of ancient battles of titanic proportions mark the land. Wild magic zones, fantastical terrain, grand adventure, political strife, and even artifacts of wonder await. Choose your part and come make your mark on the world. A wide array of unconventional races and classes are available.

Moderator: TristenC

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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Jenara »

"Silly. They not look like bear." The Felis shakes her head, notches an arrow and aims at the lead Goblin, then the rear. "You take middle." She offers to the Elf beside her.

Long Bow (Thaco 17) [1d20] = 15 dmg [1d6] = 5 Hit AC -2.
Long Bow (Thaco 17) [1d20] = 16 dmg [1d6] = 1 Hit AC -3

Notching another arrow she eyes the nearby trees, wondering how she might make more arrows...
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Nocturno »

LongBow(18): Attk, Attk, Dmg, Dmg [1d20] = 17 [1d20] = 14 [1d8] = 6 [1d8] = 1

If the middle one goes down, he will put one into one who survived Katten.

"Ha, at least they tried."
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by TristenC »

Katten fires into the lead lumpy shape within the concealment of the bear skin. Her arrow easily finds flesh, dropping the wetrock tribesman instantly. Nocturno moves up until the odd target is within sight of his infravision. He too looses an arrow and downs the goblin in the rear of the ‘costume’.

A frantic squaal comes from the remaining goblin, who promptly scrambles out from under the disguise and takes off running Westward without even looking behind him. The pair’s arrows sail out into the starry night, striking down their quarry.

[Outside of infravision range (60 feet) I called it ‘starlight’ which is -3 to hit. But it didn’t matter in this instance anyway]
[I called the bearskin half concealment for the gobbos. Basically ‘soft cover’ because it obstructs view of the target a little]
Katten and Nocturno fire arrows (+2 piercing vs hide armor) at Goblins (AC 7) concealed in a large skin (-2 for 1/2 concealment): Target ac = 7

Katten thac0 17 (AC 7, +2 piercing vs hide, -2 concealment +4 vs goblins) at G38
[1d20] = 15, hit
For: 5
G38 Dies!

Nocturno moves within infravision range
Nocturno thac0 18 at G40 (AC 7, +2 piercing vs hide, -2 concealment)
[1d20] = 17,
For: 6, Dmg
G40 Dies!

G 39 drops cover and flees West 60 feet! (outside of infravision range)

Katten thac0 17 (AC 7, -3 starlight +2 piercing vs hide +4 vs goblins) at G39
[1d20] = 16, hit
For: 1,
G 39 is Hurt Badly!

Nocturno thac0 18 at G39 (AC 7, -3 starlight, +2 piercing vs hide)
[1d20] = 14, hit!
For: 1 Dmg
G39 Dies!
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Nocturno »

"Well,that was odd. Reinforcements? " Nocturno will wonder out loud.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Jenara »

"Stupid, they be stupid. Not think we place Sentries, keep eyes open and alert. That good shot." She pats the Elf's hand in acknowlegment, "You stay beside me, we kill Nesser, free friends."

Katten keeps her eyes peeled, watching, waiting.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Nocturno »

Not wanting to show much emotion will nod. "Thank you, pretty good yourself." He will make sure to always be looking around opposite of Katten.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by TristenC »

The pair remain vigilant, but no other goblins or suspicious sightings disturb their watch. [ It is time for the final watch]
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Chris1234 »

When it's his turn to Watch, Linar will do so, bow ready, from the shadows (HS), having first memorized 'Armour' and prayed for 'Cure Light Wounds'.
He will seek the hunter's quiet place, the internal center of being, as he waits and listens for intruders (DN).
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Jenara »

Katten offers a small nod to those replacing her, taking up position close so she can be raised quickly before snuggling close to the still injured wolf
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Nocturno »

Nocturno will take to preparations for his prayers to regain his Divine spells, unless more rest is required.

Thought I posted this already.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by TristenC »

Katten curls up for a quick nap and Nocturno resumes his interrupted rest as Dellinanth and Linar take their shift. The drow secretes himself in the darker corners of the underbrush while the wild elf takes a position in the trees; smoothly blending in with his surroundings. The watch continues on uneventfully.

Locking this thread down as the end of the chapter
I’ll try to get xp up later tonight or tomorrow. It is mostly calculated already
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by TristenC »

Well, I’ve done it again. I hoped not to take so long between xp awards but here we are again about 1 year later… I can attribute this mostly to my own personal issues that have delayed my activity over the last several months (most of it unforeseen). I appreciate all of you for sticking with it, even when things occasionally grind to a crawl.

For combat awards, I’m splitting the xp evenly even though there were a couple of instances where the group split. My reasoning is that I run dungeon complexes as very living/active things. Drawing off one part of a force prevents it from being used in reinforcement for another. As most of the party now realizes, an earlier failed attack on the lair set the entire dungeon on alert long before they arrived today. Additionally, I award xp for creatures when defeated, whether taken Dead or Alive. Killing a captured or surrendered goblin garners no additional xp beyond the initial defeat.

Katten managed to defeat the Ash priest. As he died, he spoke another prophecy and his body smoldered unnaturally. With his final act, he marked her from elbows to paws with black soot. Katten shared the below prophecy with the group:

Soot Shaman:
Break ope’ the Bone, Soot blinds the eyes,
Receive my soul, Ossunin rise!
All goblin lives, and orcs and more!
And hail your new, terrific… lord…

The group found and freed some prisoners, which is fantastic! Unfortunately, these aren’t the Demihuman-oids you’re looking for… or at least, not all of them. As before, I’ll post group xp here in the story thread for reference, and the individual totals (to include group award) in private threads.

Group Rewards: [The total will be included in individual Awards on the character threads]

Freed captives from the Wetrocks Sub-Chief Lair: [8 captives x15 xp] = 120 xp ea
Enlodh (1/2 E M), Thaddeous (fGnome M), Wene (Hum F), Heteau (tHum M), Thrinarv (sDwarf M), Alwood (Hum M), Gere (Hum M), Tane (Hum M)

Avoided Alarm: N/A
Avoided pit trap: 50 xp ea (discovered, all crossed safely)
Hanging In: 50 xp ea (No party members Down)

Monsters: (taken Dead or Alive)
[Goblins 15 x38] = 570
[Krok & Guards 35 x5] = 245
Goblin Shaman = 65
=> 880 xp / 7 (Dellinanth, Elden, Indendien, Jordek, Katten, Linar, Nocturno) = 126 xp ea

=> 220 + 126 = 346 xp

Group reward Total: 346 xp ea

Combat HD
1 x38 + 2 x5 + 3 = 51 HD of enemies defeated