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Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

A 2E game set in the mysterious realm of Ravenloft.

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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by tarlyn »

Del listens to both then smiles. Putting away her Lute, she prepares to watch and listen to Mira and Sabrina.

"I would assuredly like to return home, Sir Karl, but for now I will make do with my situation. And attempt to earn

everyone's trust and respect."
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by TristenC »

The halfling Elsa notices a bit of tension and does what she can to settle the moment. Yes some of us have been her longer than others, and those like Merrick and Sabrina are natives but perhaps... dissatisfied with the current status quo? she adds, suggesting gently the current course. I will say, she adds quietly in Elven, looking about to be sure no others nearby hear. That the night belongs to wolves... of all kinds...

Clearing her throat and taking a drink from her mead, the Halfling Cleric continues. There are some things to do, but mostly we have found ourselves in pursuit of this Crown, which.. erm.. well we now have. she glances at the others, careful not to give away too much. But really the only next step is to deliver it... where only we know it needs to go... she adds, trying to cover for a previous faux-pas of reveling that they indeed had it somewhere...
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by tarlyn »

Del listens to Elsa speak, her face remaining calm.

She did understand where Mira was coming from. If she was in her place she would react the same way. She needed to

gain their trust. Taking a deep breath she then exhales slowly.

"Listen, Elsa. I know I just got here and need to gain everyone's trust", she looks at everyone

gathered at the table, then towards Mira and Sabrina.

"I propose to show everyone something here noone else here can see, except through magical means.

I will not show it in public but in private, say a room where we can all gather. I would prefer to do this sooner

than later. Perhaps after Mira and Sabrina's set?"
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by Jenara »

(dammit lost a post)

"Trust.. it is earned, but there is a saying in my homeland: Adversity makes strange bedfellows. Which means that difficult circumstances will bring together very different people. While the underlying idea remains the same." Karl answers thoughtfully. "I believe this place has brought us together we should try to work together, at least while we have a common goal, getting home." He agrees with Elsa.

"That sounds.. interesting." The Knight answers guardedly, (And somewhat embarrassed) he was a betrothed man, and such offers from pretty young women were not something he was used to. (Sorry it did sound a little iffy!)
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by tarlyn »

Delsenora looks at Karl and smiles reassuringly. "I have no intention of showing anything untowards to

any of you. It is just a secret I guard , well, close to the heart. Your priestess friend may realize what I am going to show you

if she thinks about what I have already divulged about myself earlier."
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by TristenC »

Merrick's gaze follows the others at the table, Mira... if there is enough time before your next set... perhaps your room being the largest would be the easiest setting? he proposes. The half-elf seems to look to the expression of the others for assent or dissuasion
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by Jenara »

MIra and Sabrina are eating. quietly engaged in conversation regarding her set and what they should do next, the Bard raises her head and nods, she had heard some of what had been said, and wasn't exactly happy with parts of the conversation.

"Chérie, je reviens tout de suite, je répète ces répliques et nous monterons sur le plateau sous peu." she explains to Sabrina, squeezing her hand and rising to meet the others, leaving her Lute with the Girl as she does so. "You had better come with me then." And with that she heads up the stairs leading the group to her room.

The room itself is organised chaos, with clothes thrown all over the two beds that have obviously been pushed together to form a larger bed. Dresses hang from the changing screen while Bodices are arranged in a haphazard fashion all over the bed. Taking one look she shoves them onto the floor and sits, patting the place next to her for Elsa.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by tarlyn »

Del loosk around at everyone, face blank.

"I do not know much about Kryn or other wowlds you are all from, but where I am from, what I am going to show you is frowned

upon. Most people where I come from, Faerun, consider Dark Elves to be evil and a chaotic lot. I am one of the few exceptions to this

and without further ado."

Del removes a ring from her finger and before you stands a dark elf with white hair!

She waits for any reactions, especially from anyone familiar with Drow in Faerun.
Delsenora True Form.JPG
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by Jenara »

"Well, just when I thought I had seen everything." Mira comments, looking to the others, this, much like the creatures that haunted this place was not something she had encountered.. or.. She wracks her brains, seeking stories, there was something with Lord Soth but it escaped her.

"That name in my world, our world." She looks to Cross and Karl, "Means an Elf that has chosen to follow something other than Solinari, they are rare, and yes some are considered Evil as they follow Nuitari but... I look to the others for guidance on this one."

A little bit of everything [1d100]=71 (30%) Failed.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by TristenC »

Elsa gasps, covering her mouth and staring shocked. It takes a moment for the cleric to compose herself, but she does so, with some embarrassment. S.. sorry, umm... I've heard of the dark elves as well... I just never expected to... meet one. She seems to settle a little better and grins. Well. So long as you don't turn into a monster or the undead I'd say It's nice to meet you. she chuckles

Merrick watches, somewhat confused and a little leery as Mira, Karl and the others from Krynn. Jerry, however, seems to be the only one neither shocked nor confused. So... you claim your mother was a follower of Elistraee... And you? The blonde Mystran listens for a response. As Elsa says, there are much more horrific and dangerous things in this land than... peoples with uncommon backgrounds. If you deal fairly with us, we will do so with you.
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by tarlyn »

"Well my real name is Delsenora Hun'ana to begin with. I have a father who worships Lathander,and is also a Fighter, a brother who

roams my homeland as a Ranger, a brother who is an accomplished Wizard."

You all would notice by now Delsenora's strange Leather Armor. Full of pockets and very form fitting.

Unzipping the front of her strange armor, Delsenora removes a symbol attached to her necklace, hidden under her armor.

A sad look appears on her face as she shows it to you all.

"This was my mother's. She has since passed away, murdered by an evil organisation. It is all I have left of her, besides her spell

component pouch and one of my daggers was hers as well. As to wanting to know if I will deal fairly with you all, of course I will. I am willing to

submit to magics for truths and also a spell that will tell you of my tenedencies for good. Unlike other Drow, I have none of their resistances to

magics or their innate powers."
Eilistraee Symbol.JPG
Eilistraee Symbol.JPG (18.56 KiB) Viewed 541 times
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by Jenara »

"I can admit, I have no such Knowledge, so I cannot judge you on a Heritage I do not know." Karl answers, agreeing with the group, he would watch her, and judge by her actions.

"I wouldn't worry, many people hide under a mask of some kind. Play fair with us and we'll do the same for you." Mira stands after squeezing Elsa's arm, "If you have nothing else? I have an Apprentice to entertain and a show to complete. Listen, sorry, us being here, and having these rooms, this one in particular is because I am performing, we need to fit in a little with these people to be able to survive. Granted they think I'm going to steal all the men with my Gypsy Magic... but it gets us a place. Thats why I was somewhat on edge." She explains to Del as she offers her hand. "Are you injured?" She asks, seeing the womans wounds, "Elsa, would you..?"
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by TristenC »

Elsa nods. If you'll permit me? The halfling offers. She concentrates, speaking a quiet prayer to Yondalla. A golden glow surrounds her hand and moves onto Del as her fingertips touch the rogue'a side. The light spreads to her wounds, closing them up completely.

Del, however, notes a heavy blanket of weariness that is not typical with healing.

[PPDM save pls ^_^]
Elsa casts Cure Light Wounds on Delsenora
Elsa CLW on Del [1d8]=7
Del is Fully Healed! [28/28 hps]
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by tarlyn »

Del sighs with relief for the healing but then suddenly feels very strange ...

PPDM Save [1d20]=5

OOC : Fail! Sigh,,,, LOL
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by Jenara »

Edit moved this below..

"Woah, ok Elsa can you stay with her? Let her rest here a moment. I need to finish my set but.. Karl and Jerry would you stay too?" She asks quickly, seeing Dels reaction. "Let them look after you. Please?" She looks at the girl and her reaction, could there have been something on the blade? She remembered stories of people reacting like that to Poison.. "Tell me if you need anything?" She kisses Elsa on the cheek and gives Del a small hug, placing her on her own bed.. "Stay."

"Right everyone else out! Back downstairs, I didn't get to eat yet, and these things don't feed themselves you know." She giggles, which causes Karl to look at her in a strange way and then flush. "Come on." And when they have departed she closes the door once more, sighing just a little she descends the stairs, coming up behind Sabrina she wraps her arms around the Girls body, draping her arms loosely as she pulls her close. "Hi Sweetie."

A little bit of everything [1d100]=9 (30%) pass.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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