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Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

A 2E game set in the mysterious realm of Ravenloft.

Moderator: TristenC

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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Hahaha. Yeah.... notes...

Lol, i mean... some kind of refined grease like lard maybe. What are you wanting to use it for? Just to keep your fingers from getting sticky?
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by Nocturno »

Yes. Lube the fingers.

If he sees some kind of smith he will pop in to ask about the chainmail scrap.
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by Nocturno »

If Mira goes in the building, Pyros will definitely go off to find a smithy. Unless someone notices.
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Hahah, ok
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by Nocturno »

I just had a vision of Pyros starting the whole town on fire.

Flinging flaming bullets at Jerry's Dad.
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Hahaha, i meaaaan... it hasn't ptoven true or false yet
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Pyros can either follow Jerry or strike off to try to find his supplies. Which do you prefer?
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by Nocturno »

He will head to get this supplies, then try to slip back into the group when done.

Chainmail pouch, flammable tar or sticky oil for the bullets, and some rendered fat to lube his filters and the chainmail?
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Pyros heads back towards the broken wheel and manages to sneak a bit of lard from the kitchens... nobody really seems to mind or pay it much note.

He recalls seeing a dock on this side of town, which ,ight be his best bet for tar, so he continues north to the river and West almost to the wall.

A marvelous ebony hulled river boat rocks slowly in the water here. Secured to a private wharf with a stout rope, this craft sports a brilliant red canopy to shade the luxurious interior. Every inch of the craft is a masterpiece of artistic design. Although there are a number of other fine ships docked here, none of them compares to this excellent vessel.The entire area is walled off with a wooden fence.The wood, although clearly old, is well maintained and shows signs of constant upkeep. A single gate, clearly designed more for privacy than to ward off attackers, stands closed with a sturdy lock on it. A small guard shack stands next to the gate with an engraved sign in the local language is displayed for all to see.
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by Nocturno »

OOC: Really, lol really, that isn't interesting at all. :OOC

"Focus, Focus Pyros." He says to himself.
He will make notes of that boat, to mention to the group later.

He will keep on his way to get the Tar.
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

searching around the docks area he finds an untended bucket of tar that appears to have been used to pitch a hull and left untended.... however, it lies within the fence near the water. The guard shack has an open doot but from outside the gate he cannot currently see if anyone is inside...
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by Nocturno »

Can he understand the sign?

He will casually walk past the door trying to get an angle to see inside.

If anyone tries to stop him, he will play into the misconception that he is a kid.

"Sorry mister!" or some such.
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Let's get a 'harmonian language' roll to see how much if any he understands
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by Nocturno »

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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

No idea. Maybe something about not littering. People seem to like signs like that...
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